First project
Did the undercoating with MPHD that I ordered from Chris at Freedom Motorsports.
1) Washed underside with hot water (not too dirty, truck is new). Let it dry overnight with a fan running underneath to help with drying. Garage is heated.
2) Put down plastic and disposable painting tarps in the garage to keep the floor from getting slippery. Tarps made it easier to get around on the creeper, plastic alone would have gotten too slippery to move around.
3) Put it on jack stands and took the wheels off.
4) Covered truck in plastic to keep it off the paint and to keep from spraying the other stuff in the garage. Taped and masked off the rockers and running boards.
5) Added more plastic to close off the front and sides. Added a fan to the front and left the back open to ventilate and blow the fumes out of the garage.
6) Suited up. Respirator is required.
7) It took about 2 hours to spray, used about 4.5 cans, did the back of the rockers twice. Tyvek suit and tarps did their job.
And since you are going to ask, the jack stands are Torin 6 ton. I used plastidip (the actual dip stuff, not the rattle can) on the saddles, the feet and the tops where the saddle hits the frame. Some of the stickers were falling off when I got them so I used a heat gun to take the rest of them off.