Yukon Joe
FRF Addict
Now that's a good night out!Received my first Mystery Box, it contained a bottle of All Purpose cleaner, a bottle of Car Shampoo, a bottle of Adam's Brilliant Glaze, and a Great White dying towel. Washed the truck w/Shampoo, hit it with H2O Guard and Gloss, then used the Brilliant Glaze. Holy crap what a shine! Took the family to Lansing for dinner and had a guy in a chevy pull up beside us at a stoplight and I thought oh boy, here we go. He rolled his window down and gave us a big smile and a thumbs up and said "Nice truck" We had a good chuckle over that. Thanks Adam's, awesome product!
@Yukon Joe

Drive your raptor here!!!!
( * Y * )