A valid point to be sure. I do a LOT of preventive maintenance myself - mostly fluid changes because fluids age and become increasingly acidic as they do. But ignition components are not fluids, so I guess it's a cross between a personal preference and a judgement call. So if you take your truck on extended road trips or go off-road to nowhere, you might well change out those coil packs at 160K miles. But if it's a daily driver and most of your driving is close to home, the difficulties associated with a coil failure are a lot less because you can limp the beast home.Why change your oil if the engine still spins freely?? Not the way I think at all. I replaced all 8 coils, all 16 spark plugs,and all wires, its a preventative maintenance way of thinking, its not a new truck anymore. You have to remove the coils to get at the top plugs and your going to screw around with the boots and crap to save a couple hundred dollars. She is getting up there in mileage, do it right and then you don't have to worry about those items for at least 100k.