Thank you for all the responses, I greatly appreciate it.
It appears many of you have a lot more space commitments and making it work without a problem. Where are you putting the strollers and baby bags when the interior seating is full? In the bed? How does that work in the winter? No concern of those things freezing?
strollers go in the bed under a tri fold and on a bedrug. i got mine from 4 wheel parts for $780. got a weather strip for the bulkhead to keep dust out. the snack/drink bags go on the floor in front of the car seats. i keep grocery crates that are collapsible under the seat for the shopping runs. just put them in the bed for when full for the drive home. i also keep a blanket, pillows and small changing bags under the back seat too. i have a kolbalt 50gal box that stays in the bed under the cover for straps ect. cooler of water on the side. tow strap is always folded on the side of the bed for quick access and d-rings in the driver seat back pocket. i even keep a ezup and beach chair in the bed most the time too. only thing i take in and out is my cat jump station and my air compressor. if i find a pic i will post it. or i will take one later after the wife gets home lol. pics now. the stroller goes under the chair when needed.
also in your situation i recommend the car seat behind the driver. that leaves a spot for the wife in the center. then flip the passenger seat up for a dog.
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