FRF Addict
I know seem to get the "Cartel" Comment a lot these days lol
Yeah San Ignacio for the first time in 15 years of me going through it I had my first bad encounter with them. It was total F BS. Never in my life have I even been so disrespected and been treated so aggressively. Ive been trying to find out non stop how to file a complaint because it was so unreal and uncalled for that if I wasn't a baja reg I would have turned around and been scared and had my trip ruined. But knew it was just those aholes and I let it go and kept on going.
Been reading your blog....beautiful photos..!!!! So got to comment on the "Cartel" some have given their opinions on...some good for Mexico,some bad....and sorry to hear of your drama....
First off I agree....the Cartel is causing problems,but would also say mostly for others in the drug trade and people looking for trouble and hanging out in wrong parts of town....I'd have to say a bigger problem is the "cops"... or "fake-cops".... and would totally advise that NO ONE go down alone....they pry on "single-guys".... and I still have the S*#! stained Jockeys to prove it....
Have family in LA that I visit 2 times a year and for 20 years always drove down to TJ and Ensenada usually with a friend....sometimes just walked across for a day in TJ.....About 10 years ago,I walk across to spend day in TJ...my Uncle had asked me to pick up a bottle of Gout Pills....which I did...and 2-3 minutes after leaving Pharmacy I get a tap on shoulder,turn and see one "cop" in a patrol car and another behind me....asking what did I buy...I show them and next thing I know I'm on hood of car in cuffs,thrown in back of car and heading OUT OF TOWN,FAST.....this all took place in 15-20 seconds...as they are driving they are talking to each other,and my High School Spanish wasnt a waste....they are asking each other what they should do with me,how much $$..etc....Finally they turn and say I can pay them a "FINE" or they can take me to jail and wait for court to decide....I ask how much and they say,How much do you have...(HAHAHAHAHAHA....you ********,to myself of course),you got my wallet,so they look and I have $150....they say that is Muy Bueno..! By now I have no clue where I am,just a bunch of abandoned buildings,and they pull me out of car and take handcuffs off,so ask them if they could drive me back to town...OH,SURE MR.George,NO PROBLEMA.....like we are long lost buddies!
Wont go into what the Customs Officers put me thru (3 hrs) when I tried to cross back with NO ID...yep...was so sacred didnt even realize they kept my wallet with ID and Charge cards.....(could care less I was just robbed,and read me the riot act about crossing with no ID...DUH..I was just robbed..I DID have ID)
Get back to families house and my Uncle does a search and there was actually a website all about Americans going to border towns and going thru same situation...although some were not as lucky as me,some held for weeks till family sent $5000 and more,some never heard from again....so I guess my "COPS" and I use the term lightly were just looking for a fast score...after all,if they did take me back to station they would of had to share the bounty..!!
It can happen to anyone,but they usually target single guys.....so if your feeling lucky...go for it...as for me...have not stepped foot back in Mexico in 10 years..!! and never will...we have plenty of beautiful spots on good old USA....and other countries...Been going to Costa Rica for 20+ years,even had house there and NEVER,NEVER had any problems,even being Single and walking home at all hours of the night.....NOT spending my $$ in Mexico to help fuel the Cartel and Crooked Cops and Military...

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