ask and ye shall receive. just got her back together this morning. still have more to do, but not until TMX is through with her. ( 40s, currie, alcons, 60" lightbar on the roof)
for reference, brand new for brand new, I'm liking the spring rate on the icon leafs more than the deavers that I had. ( and the icons are on option 3, which is all of the leaves. )
and yes, it might look like ive got a ridiculous amount of room in the fenders, but the truck stuffs that 37 with the wheel in any position and clears the carbon fiber by about 1/4". more trimming is in store when the 40s go on. I have every belief that I'm going to blow one of these fenders clear off the truck, but we have a plan for new glass after the CF dies a warrior's death.