pretty sure the ferrari story only refers to special or limited edition ferrari's like the enzo, la ferrari and others.
Otherwise dealers wouldn't have brand new ferrari's sitting on the lot for "regular" customers to purchase.
And raptors shouldn't be compared to ferrari's either lol
"Even for its standard cars, Ferrari will often demand to see a history of ownership before allowing customers to buy a new one. If you’ve never owned a Ferrari, you’ve got a slim chance of walking off the forecourt with a new one, while many dealers won’t take any buyer under the age of 40 seriously."
Raptors are just like Ferraris in that there are more buyers with money than trucks to buy. Dealers charge ADMs because there are plenty of people willing to pay it. These same dealers heavily discount XLTs because that is what it takes to move those less desirable and plentiful trucks. Economics 101.