Hi all. Been lurking the forum for a while now before I went out and finally bought my Raptor. 2018 Supercrew, 802A package, moonroof, beadlocks, tailgate applique, spray-in bedliner, heated steering wheel.
So far I've only done a few minor changes; stubby antenna and swapped out the tag lights for some LED ones. Window tint comes tomorrow and then Line-X for the wheels wells soon after that.
Some future mods I plan: Should be adding some LED fogs within the next couple of months (not quite sure what I want yet, I'm open to suggestions) and I'm going to upgrade the exhaust (also not quite sure what route I want to go here either). Also planning on different wheels in the future and adding a 1" lift to the front to level it out a bit.
So far I've only done a few minor changes; stubby antenna and swapped out the tag lights for some LED ones. Window tint comes tomorrow and then Line-X for the wheels wells soon after that.
Some future mods I plan: Should be adding some LED fogs within the next couple of months (not quite sure what I want yet, I'm open to suggestions) and I'm going to upgrade the exhaust (also not quite sure what route I want to go here either). Also planning on different wheels in the future and adding a 1" lift to the front to level it out a bit.