a 2.2% Loan rates its a whopping $63 a month per 60K vehicle for the interest alone, but that's all they have to pay.
Having said that, Ford gives them 3 months interest free, then the charges begin.
ford is most likely NOT financing the raptors that they are buying from other dealers.
at your rate x 77 raptors, they are loosing a little over $4700 a month if they sit.
So they are forced to get 4800 more than "normal" for the one that they might sell.
anything less than 4800 more than they usually get and amortized profits trend down significantly.
Somehow everyone thinks that selling new cars is high margin.
in all reality, margin sucks on cars. especially when you consider that much higher run rate businesses are at product margins in the upper 60 percentile range.
It is a stupid stupid game that MIGHT bring you a decent, short-term, single-month top-line revenue gain, but when the year's business is reviewed, it is a serious pucker moment.
factor all this in and then consider that no dealer that sold them a raptor charged them invoice and they most likely used a broker and you'll come to the conclusion that the whole exercise was extremely foolish from the onset.