Well I got a nice weekend to get some work done! Got the weathertechs with the SVT emblems in, and then got the Roadsport mudflaps on.....
Then it was on to paint protection! Went to the car wash and hand washed this sucker top to bottom. Then hand dried every drop of water.... Went and bought a meguirars claybar kit and clayed the whole truck, took about 90 minutes. You will not believe how your raptor looks after claying it. Then went on to the paint protection per Boss Hoss's instructions to a "T". The raptor was absolutely gleaming when I was done!! Absolutely amazing how that white just POPPED after it was clayed and waxed!!
Also during mudflap install, I sprayed the undercarriage with amsoil, I think it will work pretty good............side note to anyone who doesnt want the yellow tint on everything. If you spray it on the shocks they will look like your dog peed on them.