Greg, Go to the Secretary of State and file for a hazmat license endorsement. I'm not entirely sure when its going to happen but anyone driving a vehicle with another fuel tank or reserve other than what has been installed by the factory is going to be subject into having a hazmat endorsement. I have to have one because every vehicle I tow has a fuel tank and therefore it is attached to my truck therefore it is considered a auxiliary fuel tank according to DOT. Even landscaping company drivers are going to need them for all the gas powered equipment in their trailers that they tow around because the trailer is attched to the truck. Not sure what everyone else's laws are but check on that quick. I had to have a background check done, finger prints, and everything. It's not a one day thing. Just saying so that you cover your asses. Anyone that is going to be driving your rig will need one if they havent started enforcing this already.