What does the dealer VVR say, would you mind share the screen shot?Same order day as you with a blend of 2/3/2022. My ford pass is pending and not denied, no change in window sticker, order tracker still states in production as of 2/15/2022 and nothing past that.
-FP hotline says it's at Dearborn and has been produced but has not shipped so I am assuming a chip hold.
-Dealer says it's already been shipped and at the Winston Salem automotive distribution hub (I am still trying to figure out what VoW Pipeline is of the screenshot he sent me)
I have no idea what to believe anymore. I know my wife is probably happy because I buy or trade vehicles several times a year but they have historically been orders, she knows I don't want to deal with this headache again. If the dealer was correct next week then that would be great because I am running out of room for all of the accessories I've ordered.