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  1. Maintecheib

    Help a Gal out with suspension on a gen 1

    My $0.02, Just installed my spare rebuilt, w/flutter stack, shocks, by Forged Off Road, inside Eibach springs, low perch. Had them at mid perch for a week, made the truck jittery, switched to low very smooth and gave me the 2 inches of lift I wanted. Also installed a set of Deaver +2 Leaf...
  2. Maintecheib

    ARB Compressor in Engine Bay?

    Mounted my compressor to the bottom side of the radiator mount, tank on the outside of the right frame rail. Mounted the air chuck behind rear licenses plate.
  3. Maintecheib

    Gen 1 Paddle Shifter Kits

    Following, pictures of the prototype set-up
  4. Maintecheib

    GEN 1 Wrench Icon, Advance Trac, Powertrain and more...

    Thanks @Louisiana Barefoot, the connection to the MAS was one of the number of plugs I checked. As @FordTechOne is noting that there seemed to be a network issue. There are a couple of individual sensor errors, most seemed to have been some type of hiccup in communication. Neither of my code...
  5. Maintecheib

    The right way to install GEN 2 Shocks on a GEN 1!

    I had been looking for this type of solution, thanks.
  6. Maintecheib

    GEN 1 Wrench Icon, Advance Trac, Powertrain and more...

    Thanks for the input! The remote start is the factory system. I have 2 scan tools, both are OBD Link's. One is blue tooth, the one I pulled the codes with on my phone. The other one is USB to my computer. I will check to see if I can run a network check. It's interesting that you mention the...
  7. Maintecheib

    GEN 1 Wrench Icon, Advance Trac, Powertrain and more...

    The other day my 2011 scab decided to give me a surprise. Remote started the truck, after about 10 minutes I got in and put the key in the ignition and turned on. All seemed fine. Put in Drive, toggled gears down to 2, in parking lot don't need it in 3rd. All seemed fine no warning lights...
  8. Maintecheib

    Lightweight, Quiet, Road-centric All-Terrain Tires

    I should be able to get 55-60k out of them.
  9. Maintecheib

    Lightweight, Quiet, Road-centric All-Terrain Tires

    After 45k the Coopers are still just as quite as when I first put them on. I'm running them at 35 psi, with even wear at 15/64" tread left to wear bar.
  10. Maintecheib

    Lightweight, Quiet, Road-centric All-Terrain Tires

    Another one for the Cooper AT3 xlt's. I'm running the 37", 6 tire rotation with 45K on them. I'm in Wisconsin and my truck is my dd, don't matter the weather the Coopers handle it all. When I first got my truck it had the Toyo M/T's, would get stuck in the car wash, had to put in 4x to get out...
  11. Maintecheib

    Great waterproof work gloves for guys in cold/snowy areas

    Thanks also @Oldfart. And if your not a fan of the Amazon,
  12. Maintecheib

    Tire rotation questions

    Gen 1, 6 tire rotation, have all tires marked. Back cross to front, front left to spare, front right to storage. Previous spare to left rear, previous storage to right rear. Every 7500 @ oil change.
  13. Maintecheib

    Thoughts on Vision X LED Light Cannons

    Not really noticeable the light beam is fairly focused. The hood is brighter but really no glare.
  14. Maintecheib

    Thoughts on Vision X LED Light Cannons

    I just put the VisionX 4.5" 40w on my A pillars, love them. Great distance. Put the clear spot lens on, after painting the edge. Excellent set up great lights. Also have blue lens for snow.
  15. Maintecheib

    Options/Experiences with Tires

    When I bought my truck it had Toyo MT's. Good off road performance, good on road/daily driver. They were not great in wet weather. Fairly good in deep snow, live in WI, but not really good in the thin slush, bit better in deeper stuff. Road noise was not bad considering they were 37's. When it...
  16. Maintecheib

    Is fuse 27 swap really necessary?

    The OP can look at it this way, he has the kit, it ain't broke, so fix it when it breaks.
  17. Maintecheib

    GEN 1 New fox shock leaking?

    Got mine from Rock Auto as well, about 20k on them now with no problems. Keep us informed about returning them.
  18. Maintecheib

    2011 6.2 gear position on dash, it’s missing

    And if you go into dash setting and click memory, the gears will light up every time you put the shifter in Drive.
  19. Maintecheib

    front camera mod

    I recieved an email from, "Hi, soon as we find the car locally in the New York City area. Thank you" NAViCS is looking for a Gen 1, 2011, 2012 to proof out their product. So if anyone is interested in getting the camera set up done, this maybe a good opportunity to get it at a discount.
  20. Maintecheib

    front camera mod

    Thanks. Thanks for digging Chzhead, I sent them an email about their product and their reply, "Hi, we have yet to test our solutions for the 2011 F-150 once we test and verify we will contact you.Thank You" So for now it looks like we get to keep searching for something, cheaper.
  21. Maintecheib

    front camera mod

    I would be very interested in doing this to my '11 as well
  22. Maintecheib

    Sequential mirror lights - Installed

    Thanks for sharing, I like these.
  23. Maintecheib

    GEN 1 Front Axle Shaft Replacement?

    If you feel/hear the axle pop in, then it's in.
  24. Maintecheib

    GEN 1 Front Axle Shaft Replacement?

    Fords part number: AL3Z-4B416-A. As much as I like Rock Auto and Timkin parts, I strongly recommend going with FoMoCo. I have learned the hard way that if I don't want my half shafts seeping to use OEM seals and shafts. They don't really leak as in drops but just enough to keep things in the...