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  1. Bfast

    I disconnected the battery and charged it over night. Still same thing. I am getting service...

    I disconnected the battery and charged it over night. Still same thing. I am getting service advance trac system, service engine, and collision assistance not available, traction control is automatically off, and service 4x4. I tried to start it with my phone and it actually fired for a second.
  2. Bfast

    2023 Raptor R engine replacement

    So my 24'R isn't starting. It turns over, but doesn't start. I checked all the fuses. I unhooked the battery and charged it all night. Hooked it up this morning, same thing. Although, I thought I would try starting it from my phone and it fired off for a split second. It has just under 5,000...
  3. Bfast

    R starting issues...

    I unhooked the battery for a couple hours and tried it. Turns over but won’t start. Then after it fails to start it will not even turn over again unless I unhook the battery and hook it back up.
  4. Bfast

    24' R Won't start boys. 5,000 miles on it. It turns over but won't light off. Says service...

    24' R Won't start boys. 5,000 miles on it. It turns over but won't light off. Says service vehicle, advance trac not available, pre-collision assist not available. Turns over just fine. Oh and I did get a random Service charging system warning one time when I tried to start it and it didn't...
  5. Bfast

    R starting issues...

    I have a 24' R, and this morning it turns over but will not start. It says service vehicle soon, service charging system, service advance trac, and pre collision assist not available. 5,000 miles on it.
  6. Bfast

    Premium Fuel

    I have bulk tank of 100LL Aviation gasoline. Would it be safe to run it in my 24’ Raptor R?