Just installed the Rigid Radiance 360 Fogs and just noticed with the rear light pods that my driver-side tailpipe is an inch or two higher than the passenger side. My OCD went off but I think I'll be ok, lol. Wondering if anyone else noticed this and if it's by design due to some factor in the...
Appreciate the feedback. I did escalate this issue to the director of service/parts who runs 6 ford dealerships for their family brand. He was completely understanding and wants to get to the bottom of this once and for all. They plan on keeping my truck for however long it takes and will go...
I'm continuing to go thru this battle for months now, probably close to 6 months. First replaced the IWE check valve...that helped for about 2 weeks (after 3-4 trips to the dealer who wouldn't work on it because I couldn't replicate it). The the grinding came back with a vengeance and my dealer...
So yes and yes. I'm using an Apple certified cable (the one that came with my iPhone 11 Pro) and I'm on the latest software v13.3.1
I also think I've got another bad APIM.
I'm not a huge fan of CarPlay either but I like it better than the Sync interface. Both are distracting, at least to me, but I do use Waze and Spotify quite a bit. It's puzzling to me as to why my APIM says that it needs an upgrade and yet the Dealer Tech didn't think to just upgrade the...
Yes, sorry. Meant iPhone 11 Pro. I updated my original post to reflect this. I took their shop foreman out for a drive and was able to show him the "no gps" icon in my nav screen so he knows that problem exists. The rebooting of the system only happens on longer drives when I'm using CarPlay...
Smurf, thanks for the reply. In other upgrade threads, users are saying their are updating their firmware prior to upgrading to 3.4 Why wouldn’t the tech just update the firmware of the APIM says there’s an update?
What version are you running?
Looking for some help with my 2017 Gen2 from those in-the-know. I've had intermittent Sync 3 issues that are well documented and proliferated throughout Ford forums everywhere. For me, when I have my iPhone 11 Pro connected (which is on the latest Apple software), Sync 3 would randomly reboot...
Search for IWE noise. It's a common problem with the Ford's 4WD system. You'll likely need to replace/upgrade your IWE check valve which is a 5 min fix. If the problem doesn't go away after that, the tech will likely evaluate the hubs and bearings. Many have had this issue and I'm going thru it...
thanks for your response. I read over at the F150 forum that if older G2's don't update the firmware then we may issues down the road with official updates, releases. Something about compatibility between the UDNC (?) and 3.4, etc....
I've got similar grinding noise that is very intermittent. Especially on cold starts, slow speeds, coming to stop and making left turns (sometimes rights also). My dealer replaced the IWE check valve with the same shitty old part and the grinding and MPG's actually went away for a month or so...
36K miles in and it has been in and out of the dealer probably 4-5x in the last 3 months for various little annoyances like moonroof track repair, APIM module failure, check valve (IWE noise) replacement and probably another 3 or 4 TSB's that include a transmission flash for hard shifting. Now...
There’s a tsb on this issue and it’s related to the iwe. There’s a couple threads on this also. I had the same problem. My dealer fixed it but I’m having the same problem again as well and can’t replicate it also as the the engine is warm by the time I get to the dealer. Very frustrating.
Anyone have this issue? My conversation with my local ford dealer service department:
Dealer Ford Service: "What are you doing to cause this?" (so to speak)
Me: I've been pressing the button as it the manual states, "one touch", the same way for 2 years and now it's not working.
Dealer: We...
My '17 was hard shifting as well primarily in the mornings or on cold starts. It would subside throughout the drive but you could still really feel it when it downshifts towards a stop. I had the 4WD grinding (vacuum check valve hose) issue which was causing grinding and 2WD not fully engaging...
I had this also with my '17 Gen2. It's a known issue across newer F150's. It took me 3x for my dealer to address. I also ran into this thread that is around 17 pages long discussing this issue. There's a TSB for it that your dealer can use to fix...
My MPG's were dropping as a result of the IWE system not fully engage out of 4WD which is a documented TSB for Ford. Probably not related to what you're experiencing but my MPG's were dropping from 15-16 to 13-14 under same driving conditions.
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