Are you sure? I heard with all the nickel additives in oil these days they had to remove the pickup screen. I mean I've looked at my oil pickup the last couple times I changed my oil and it was clean, so I just took it off. I am relying on the intake filter to catch any debris floating around...
It's fine. Dumb, dirty, idiotic, maddening but probably ok. If you look at the valve cover under the filler cap you will probably notice a "plate" directly under the cap. Usually this keeps oil from spewing out when driving if you forget to put the cap on, but longterm driving high rpm's could...
From a clunking noise you thought was a transmission/transfer case problem to a new motor? Wow, seems like there is something missing here. That is a STRETCH.
Hey man we are just teasing you, when selling things you can always come down but you can't go up. It is a great-looking truck good luck it IS the truck that started an entire segment of vehicles.
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