Have you received it yet? If so, how'd it work for you?
Here's an update from my end....
I almost bought the CPLAY2AIR dongle based on all the great reviews on their website, but then I realized something odd. If you notice, they have over 2,800 reviews - but no reviews less than 3 stars -...
Yeah... I think you guys are like $5 per $100... one of the highest rates in Virginia. I guess someone has to pay for Amazon coming to Arlington. Now let’s hope your property value doubles! ;)
Like GordoJay said - throw a hard cover on the back of the Rap and you're good to go. I installed a BedTred, Gator FX3 and a SwingCase in the bed... had plenty of room for stuff and the bed stayed dry as a bone.
Buy the Raptor - you'll love it!
Here in Virginia, we pay a 4.15% sales tax when purchased. So on my Raptor, I paid $2,917 in sales tax.
My apologies for the confusion on the “garage tax” - that’s just what we call it. It’s an annual personal property tax that is charged to own or “garage” a car in my county. They charge...
It's essentially personal property tax. The county I live in charges a tax based on where you garage your vehicle - i.e. - Garage Tax. Last year, and again this year, I paid around $2,600 per year on my Raptor... it's just crazy. And 90 something % of the tax goes to support the schools while...
I'm not familiar with Android Auto, but like you, I would assume it would require a hardware upgrade as well. I'm still baffled as to why wireless CarPlay isn't already a standard feature in cars. Maybe it's harder than I think.
Wireless CarPlay is a hardware upgrade, not a software upgrade. It was announced last year that Ford would offer wireless CarPlay in select 2020 vehicles with the new Sync 4 system. I have a 2020 Lincoln Aviator with newer Sync 3 system and no wireless CarPlay, so I’m not sure what the status...
Here in Virginia, they charge a flat fee of $44.75 per year for vehicle registration/renewal on pickup trucks. I also had to pay the DMV $2.00 administration fee for my required emissions inspection.
I’m not sure what taxes you pay in CA, but Loudoun County, where I live, charged me a hair...
My understanding is that it’s due to the mass recall on the 3 and 6 ton stands. HF has to find a new manufacturer. Due to COVID, and because they come from China, we won’t see their new inventory anytime soon. Time shall tell.
Sorry, but count me out on this topic - with the Raptor, anyway. I sold my truck in August so no more oil changes for me. I will, however, post results on my Mustang, but I won’t change the oil until next July.
Nice! I've never come out of St. Augustine before... I need to get down there. I frequently visit our office down in Jacksonville and I get out on the water with my co-worker as often as possible. He launches from either Lakeshore or Black Creek. I also have a co-worker who boats out of...
Awesome setup man.... and love, love that SH in baby blue! <so jealous> Be safe out there and have fun!
How are the waters in the JAX area? Busy out there?
To each one’s own, I guess. I love the bucket seats over the old bench style. And call me a pack rate, but I use my center consoles like they’re intended - with the OCD organizer, of course.
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