Ok so I drove the truck some more, and there’s definitely a bigger difference in power than I initially thought.
I think there’s at least a 50HP again from this thing. It’s quicker for sure, no gimmicks. I have other cars that are in the 600-800HP range and are super quick and I’ll tell you...
Just installed the Chipwerke today on my '18 Raptor. I can feel a difference, but it's not mind blowing.. it pulls harder though. My butt dyno is very calibrated, i'd say there is about a 35-40hp gain at best.
This just happened to me on my ‘18 as well.
4500 miles, just went full synthetic. Let truck idle and warm up longer then normal, took off, and white smoke started pouring out of the rear passenger exhaust pipe.
Pulled over to side of the road to inspect.. white smoke was barely coming out at...
I only bought this vs the MPT tune so there wouldn't be a dealer issue.. just until the Ford Performance tune is released.
The lame thing about all this is I bought it from CJ Pony Parts.. and they are making it extremely difficult to return! They called AFE and said they cant return it unless...
Tried various things, flipping the plugs - everything - it’s very straight forward. Now light on the toggle switch doesn’t illuminate.
Ripped it out and truck is running great. Will be sending this junk back ASAP!
Wouldn’t I get a check engine light then?
Could it be the truck is still in limp mode and I need to clear some DTC codes? Sure I can take it off, but I don’t see how others got it to work. Must be something simple.
Well, I just installed the AFE scorcher on my 2018 Raptor. Very straightforward install, and doublechecked everything as well.
I started the truck up and immediately got a wrench light. Reset battery, and it went away.
Drove truck and 0 PSI boost. Completely gutless, turbo not even...
The only way you will achieve this is to eliminate the Cats, or go with high flows. Every one of my turbo cars responded this way and you can hear the spool from the exhaust now. The catalytic converter material is very good and muffling the higher pitched turbo spool, so that’s the solution...
I ended up sending my MPT tune back before loading it. Sticking with Pedal Commander and going to install an AFE Scorcher piggyback tune. That way if something does happen, I will remove the PC & AFE Scorcher and the dealer will never know what was on it. Especially seeing I have an extended...
I don't trust dyno sheets in the aftermarket performance industry anymore, especially tunes and CAI's.
It's easy to post a before Dyno running 87 octane on a heat soaked truck that just was strapped to the dyno... and then put some 91/93 in it after a long cool down and do a nice fresh dyno...
“CAI” or Cold Air Intake is the dumbest name for this mod.
Because none of the aftermarket “CAI’s” actually do the following:
1) Make the air Cold
2) Make the air cooler or colder than stock
3) Almost always bring in hotter air then the stock airbox
In this case, not one single...
I live in SoCal and the only immigrants I see are the ones that I hire to remodel my house, clean it, maintain the landscaping, etc for pennies on the dollar vs millennial spoiled white kids who’d never do the job. If I’m paying more taxes for them to be here and do work for me cheap... it...
I sent this guy the money for this today via PayPal. Seems it could be a scam. He then hits me up later and said a piece blew out of his truck (yah right) while on his way to ship it off and says he can’t refund until Monday
Well, he can refund and won’t probably. I’ve already opened a...
We just chatted via PM, and my dealer in Colorado would not let me register it to a CA address.
---------- Post added at 02:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 PM ----------
Where you live, and who your friends and acquaintances change everything.
Here in SoCal.. my friends...
I bought a 2018 out of state.. I live in CA as well. It couldn't be registered to a CA address, so I reg'd it to a friends home in AZ. Saved in sales tax too. Then I will wait until it has 7500 miles and will just transfer it to CA as it will be a used vehicle and will pass smog.
Just an...
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