Search results

  1. Nv Guy

    My Raptor took me to Fly in a B17 WW2 bomber

    Went for a flight in the B17 last year when they came thru Reno. Gave a me such an appreciation for all of our WW2 vets who flew in those noisy uncomfortable planes. I cannot imagine what it was like to fly in sub zero temps with people shooting all manner of stuff at you. Made me appreciate...
  2. Nv Guy

    Show off your latest pics

    You forgot at least two trips to the river to sit around.
  3. Nv Guy

    How far do you travel to go offroad ?

    Off road for me is about 500 feet away from the driveway. Gotta love NV, 85% government owned.
  4. Nv Guy

    More Raptors on the Road?

    Most I have seen in one day is 6. Today it was two. They have gotten pretty common around here.
  5. Nv Guy

    No quality control

    I have a '10, and it seems fine. No, it's not perfect by any means, but it also didn't cost a perfect amount of money. Every manufacturer has to draw the line somewhere.
  6. Nv Guy

    Rv Toyhauler trailer battery upgrade and discussion

    10 years in the RV biz taught me you cant beat the 6V golf car batteries. Here are some other random thoughts.... Solar is nice, but you really need to be realistic about what it actually puts out. look carefully at the ratings. If you do go solar, get a charge controller / manager or while in...
  7. Nv Guy

    Funny Phone Call

    I agree with RDFTS, don't waste your time. if this guy is that oblivious to call you like everything is great, he wont get it when you show up. The mental density of these dealers is amazing. The military might want to consider using salesperson brains instead of depleted uranium for armor...
  8. Nv Guy

    How much do you pay for registration?

    About $ 430.00 this last year. And we have to get it smoged every freaking year. You guys get a screaming deal. Better hope the money grubbing government doesn't start looking at neighboring states.
  9. Nv Guy

    In-Vehicle Technology Team

    Yeah, my Samsung S4 does some strange things. It seems to pair up with my '10 Raptor pretty much every time. But gets real glitchy in the wife's '11 FX4. I have to do the same thing- turn the Bluetooth off, then back on. After this little dance, it will pair with the '11. It gets along with our...
  10. Nv Guy

    2013 frame

    From the Ford Body builders site: Frame — Type Ladder Type with Fully Boxed Side Rails and Hydroformed Front Section, 7 Crossmembers, 36,000 psi Steel with 156.5" WB SuperCrew/ 163.0" WB SuperCab 49,300 psi Steel with 126.0", 144.5" WB Regular Cab, 144.5" WB SuperCab/144.5" WB SuperCrew —...
  11. Nv Guy

    Motor replacement

    I am a fan of the 5.0, got one in the wife's truck and it scoots along just fine. It also gets good mileage, which tells me it's an efficient engine. Efficiency=good HP. Yes, it does like to rev, but it sounds good while it's doing it.
  12. Nv Guy

    New Nor Cal Raptor Owner - Any Off-Road Recommendations?

    Welcome. The various Nor Cal groups put together some good runs. Keep your eyes open, a lot are posted here. In the end, come to NV, lots of places to run around here.
  13. Nv Guy

    name my raptor

    Disco Raptor Gots to be Disco Raptor. Good to hear the texts will return, I though my phone was broken.
  14. Nv Guy

    Ford screwing me on my 14 raptor

    Who is this digital imaging team? No one can override their decisions? They make a determination based on some photographs, not an actual physical inspection and its taken as gospel? Wow, they must be really really good. I hope they don't expand into other areas, a lot of us are going to be...
  15. Nv Guy

    Ford screwing me on my 14 raptor

    This is one of those cases when Ford (or any manufacturer) needs to accept responsibility. I don't see how HeloA&P could have damaged just the fender and not damaged the door as well. I think expecting a customer to find every single defect when taking delivery is unrealistic. If they expect...
  16. Nv Guy

    I ran over a plastic drum

    Gotta agree with 'Busa on this. Unless you snagged some wiring your probably fine. if you had damaged something, you would have been telling us about your ride in a tow truck.
  17. Nv Guy

    Alert - Code Grabber

    Welcome, but a check on Snopes reveals that this is unlikely with a Raptor. Not sayin it didn't happen, but there are other ways to get into Raptors that require a lot less technology. Snopes article: Code Grabbers and Remote Keyless Entry
  18. Nv Guy

    Long Trip Question

    I'm with ZBoater. I would have the oil changed and a quick inspection done. I would probably go for a trans flush/ service if you were towing or really loading it down. I think your biggest problem is having a high enough limit on your credit card to cover your fuel expense : )
  19. Nv Guy

    Raptor poser ON TV!

    Got to agree with the strategy. For that very reason, I stay away from just about everything lifted. We have haters out there, and not all of them are driving a Prius.
  20. Nv Guy

    Official Prairie City Gas Run, April 6th 2014

    Oh yeah, sure, now you go. Every other time we try to get you out there you have a wedding or some other thing to go to.......
  21. Nv Guy

    Dealer Tapped Wires. What are they?? Wiring diagram needed!!

    My guess is this is the leftover of some dealer installed option like remote start or anti theft thing. you know- one of those options that dealers install on everything and then try to railroad the ultimate buyer into paying way to much for. If it was mine, I would remove those troublesome 3M...
  22. Nv Guy

    What's up with my windshield?

    Made me go out to the garage and look. My 2010 Raptor has F-150, Wife's 2011 FX4 has F-150 as well.
  23. Nv Guy

    what is this?

    Low quality, half assed installed dealer crap. Make them take it off, properly repair the wire(s) they cut into, and replace the panel they drilled holes in. If the dealership declines ask to see the GM or owner and ask him if you can drill two random holes in his personal vehicle (or his person).
  24. Nv Guy

    radiator broke

    Ya know, all those flashing LEDs could have caused a harmonic that matched the frequency of the radiator and cracked it. Or it just could have been a bad radiator... Nahh, it was the LEDs.
  25. Nv Guy

    radiator broke

    What are you putting LEDs on while it's at the dealership?