If aluminium stays perfect why do rims go goofy? Are they different than a tailgate in composition? Why are aluminium rims tarred to seal them as they age?
When you band a tank you weld a piece of aluminium around the tank. The tank is all pockmarked and rotted. But you are the expert so carry on . I am saying if I could of ordered the truck with out the plastic on tailgate I would of for longevity.
And that thin protective layer does squat when exposed to road slop in an enclosed area. Like I said, look at what the fuel tank bands do to a aluminium tank. It rots them
Have you ever seen a hiway tractor that the diesel tanks leak? They are aluminium and only oxide were the bands are on them. Quite common to have to reband tanks. But no problem on the exposed tank
Yes aluminium oxidizes. I call it rot. Goes punky. Thro a piece on some wet gravel and see what it looks like in a year. Drive a road with calcium chloride, salt and beat juice on it for the winter and see what gets on the tailgate. Drive a gravel road and see what gets on the tailgate. On...
That chunk of plastic just holds a bunch of crap behind it and rots the tailgate. Everytime it rains you have mud streaks from the bottom of the plastic
If you are on a rural road with 2 or 3 vehicles per mile why do you need to bunch them up? Who is going to cut in on you if there is nobody around? Accident avoidance is distance that gives you time to react. I do not want to be a 300 feet behind somebody at 50 mph if I can avoid it
I would like to see distance controlled out to 10 seconds. It crowds you too close unless you are playing car wars. On a rural road at 55 it would be nice to be backed off far enough to look around a bit
Forged wheel is what heavy trucks use. So if you got a chance for twice the strength and no negatives why not go for it. Forged wheels might balance better. Not sure if that is an internet rumour or not
Ford Raptor F-150 2015-2018 ProClip Left Mount
Provides the perfect mounting platform
Clips into the seams of the dashboard
Easily attach a device holder to the mount
Secure fit within easy reach from the driver's seat
No holes or damage to your dashboard
No dashboard...
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