Man, first your extended wait and now this... they better be giving you some free parts or something because doesn't sound like you'd want any more service taken care of through them, jeez. Feel for ya Uncle Perv!
@Mk1 Caddy @dmb359 @wheelman55 & everyone else - yeah, I might have been a little premature in asking as I found another thread regarding this topic and a little investigation revealed the same info. My apologies and thank you for your help. Just a small freak-out. Carry on.
Thanks brother! XPEL Stealth on the B pils too, so same matte look. I ceramic tinted 360º but didn't go too dark on the sides or windshield to avoid any hassle from LE. Considering one of the blacked out 3rd brake lights though... with everything all blacked out and stealthy, the white LED...
So, whilst inspecting the PPF install - I came across something peculiar. I looks like there's a piece of trim missing on the roof (both sides, see below) - asked the shop about it and they said there wasn't anything there when I brought it in. We checked another Raptor they had in there -...
@Navy Doc - Here's the similar spot after paint correction and PPF... nearly gone but slightly emphasized due to the PPF. Have you got your fix done yet?
Shouldn't be any more difficult than the tailgate badge lettering or their outlines, just have a door to work around. It sure beats trying to paint it.
Hey everyone,
For those interested: I put a request into Rappy this morning for an idea for a new product. I wanted some lettering inlays of the F-150 recessed letters on the side of the dash. I thought a little color splash might be nice when you open the door. Matt said he'll template the...
That's pretty much what we were thinking except pushing the driver's seat forward and putting in a small rear deck to stand for a rear facing mount. Now that I think about it though, what about a Lazy-Susan type of thing? Ideas, ideas... :hmm:
I could be mistaken but I seem to remember something about ones that operate on 433Mhz. Can't remember if that was Raptor specific though or just general F-150 stuff. Might be something to check.
:worship: I never checked into the numbers. Good to know. Didn't have to worry about payload and such on the ship, she was built for maximum capacity so we filled her up - and the drones I worked on only were outfitted with recon gear. Legit though, me and my dad have been toying with the...
With it strapped to the outward facing part of the passenger side visor; it wouldn't be obstructing the view any more than would otherwise be intended through the use of the visor. BUT, like I said - maybe my local LE just doesn't care. I was simply noting my experience, not quoting local or...
I have a thought I was going to try: It's the law here too but it says nothing about being mounted on the exterior of the vehicle - or LE doesn't care as long as it's forward facing so I've seen plenty of people put it up in their windshield on their dash. Instead of there though, I was...
Went back and forth about this as well... I was thinking a matte Typhon Kryptek vinyl wrap but decided on the XPel Stealth PPF instead. I figured, 10 year warranty and added protection beats reduced cost and protection and roughly 2 year lifespan. Vinyl cheaper initially but PPF over the long...
@Oldfart - that would be the solid platinum one
Maybe if the also offered color match anodized versions... and I was hit in the head with one, and then there was enough money in my account to support such an irrational decision.
Maybe it's the grumpy old veteran in me but; am I the only one concerned about Russian coded software (Forscan) on my computer and subsequently my Raptor? I see plenty of people on here it works for and that's awesome - but what's it doing in the background or capable of doing later?
Just my personal taste but, I side with @Donovan and @Troutrad - not necessarily for the same reasons but, for me: I prefer that little bit of contrast to the paint because with it matched (while it DOES look good) it kind of just mutes the whole truck for me. It really depends on the color, I...
I haven't priced it out but I was thinking more along the lines of a GAU-17/A or GAU-19/B; pedestal mount w/ mechanical stops to avoid the cab. Requires a tailgunner though but whether it's my dad, my son, my brother, or my nephews... I know I wouldn't have a hard time getting volunteers to...
Seriously though, @Nick@Apollo-Optics is class and just an all around good guy. I ordered a set of 20" VenomRex 602s from him, tpms, and tires back in mid to late February when they were 25% off... They dropped further not too long after they arrived and Nick PMed me apologizing for it -...
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