I’ll try to get around to a write up this weekend. However, as stated I have stock springs in the front with bravo valving, rear bravo valving adjusted for Deaver HD +2 (+450lb) springs rear. Very balanced front to rear. They nailed it.
Have Deaver +2 HDs, OEM live valves w/TSW Bravo valving for HDs. OE height, great ride. Less wheel hop, no sag with gear in back. Not sure about your Fox Blues but should be good to go.
I did a thing…
Front got TSW (RPG) top hats with larger Gen 3 12mm studs, bravo valving, viton seals, Schrader valves, and Foutz Shock Tower Support Rings on top.
Rear got the same plus valving adjusted for the Deaver +2 HD‘s.
Digging it thus far…
Swear the foam is different starting ‘18 or ‘19. I spoke directly with the manufacturer who at the time (months back) was not making anything that would fit my 2020.
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