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  1. Zeusmotorworks

    FordPass New Version

    thx... see it on my phone now.
  2. Zeusmotorworks

    Getting Tires Installed Today. I hope...

    Don't know what make machine Discount Tire used on mine but had no problems with my AT4Ws or any other 35" tire in the past.
  3. Zeusmotorworks

    V6 ecoboost oil pressure?

    @full-race geoff Have anything to add?
  4. Zeusmotorworks

    FordPass New Version

    Will do... with pics for receipts and such as well?
  5. Zeusmotorworks

    What did you do to your Raptor today? (Gen2)

    I'm assuming you added that after the springs? Being Deaver will make any height you want. Largest I've seen is a +6 on a Raptor.
  6. Zeusmotorworks

    What did you do to your Raptor today? (Gen2)

    Looks like you got some trash caught between your axle and leafs tho... :P
  7. Zeusmotorworks

    18 Raptor - MyView - Oil Pressure

    I can pull up the same on my 2020 with no forscan trickery. Go to gauge view, DESELECT what you have currently showing and add these.
  8. Zeusmotorworks

    Full Race's "Gen 2.5" Raptor build

    Wait, so we SHOULD be running WAY over filled oil? I run almost a half quart over. So does anyone know at what point we are aerating (sp?) the oil?
  9. Zeusmotorworks

    Anyone on 2nd Gen Live Valves w/TSW Bravo valving

    I’ll try to get around to a write up this weekend. However, as stated I have stock springs in the front with bravo valving, rear bravo valving adjusted for Deaver HD +2 (+450lb) springs rear. Very balanced front to rear. They nailed it.
  10. Zeusmotorworks

    Did you keep 35s and upgrade your suspension? What did you do?

    Have Deaver +2 HDs, OEM live valves w/TSW Bravo valving for HDs. OE height, great ride. Less wheel hop, no sag with gear in back. Not sure about your Fox Blues but should be good to go.
  11. Zeusmotorworks

    What did you do to your Raptor today? (Gen2)

    Well, the original plan was WAY before now...
  12. Zeusmotorworks

    What did you do to your Raptor today? (Gen2)

    I did a thing… Front got TSW (RPG) top hats with larger Gen 3 12mm studs, bravo valving, viton seals, Schrader valves, and Foutz Shock Tower Support Rings on top. Rear got the same plus valving adjusted for the Deaver +2 HD‘s. Digging it thus far…
  13. Zeusmotorworks

    Driver-side seat replacement options

    Swear the foam is different starting ‘18 or ‘19. I spoke directly with the manufacturer who at the time (months back) was not making anything that would fit my 2020.
  14. Zeusmotorworks

    How To Charge your battery.

    Once you know how to ask, the truck does all the work for you...