Recent content by HTXShadow

  1. HTXShadow

    Oracle tail lights 21 gen 3

    Yeah so do you lose the blindspot sensor with these lights?
  2. HTXShadow

    Weird noise after RPMs drop after cold start.

    Yup. That’s it. Exhaust valves is what those are…I believe. The one on my drivers side is the one making the ****** terrible noise. With the hood open, the passenger side one has a rattle too just not as noticeable…yet. Good find…I’ll point this out to the service department and see what they...
  3. HTXShadow

    Weird noise after RPMs drop after cold start.

    Congrats on moving to the free state of Florida! I’m getting mine in before the brutal Houston heat and humidity arrives. I would have been really pissed for my AC to go out for an hour in 100+ degree heat. I’ll let you know what I find out.
  4. HTXShadow

    Weird noise after RPMs drop after cold start.

    Here’s mine. Had to trim the file down to upload…does this 20sec in after remote start and again 10 sec later. Not sure if the two issues are related, but last weekend on a trip up to Ft. Worth from Houston the AC quit working 2hrs into the 5 hr trip. I had to shut it off for an hour and then I...
  5. HTXShadow

    Weird noise after RPMs drop after cold start.

    Definitely update this post when you find what the issue is. I need to get mine in as well, just limited on time at the moment.
  6. HTXShadow

    Weird noise after RPMs drop after cold start.

    Good question. I didn’t notice it til after I purchased my used Gen 3. Has 13k on it. Only seems to do it when I remote start. Doesn’t seem to affect anything…so far.
  7. HTXShadow

    Gen 3 exhaust tips.

    I don’t want to go look now I hadn’t noticed this yet.
  8. HTXShadow

    Weird noise after RPMs drop after cold start.

    My 23 does this too…haven’t had time to bother with taking it in and letting them figure it out.
  9. HTXShadow

    Gen 3 exhaust tips.

    Good question…I’ve been wanting to know this as well.
  10. HTXShadow

    19 model to 23/24 model, is it worth it?

    The complaints of the seat quality concerned me also. I was lucky enough to find one with Recaros. Probably another reason why I was okay with pulling the trigger. It’s all personal preference.
  11. HTXShadow

    19 model to 23/24 model, is it worth it?

    I recently traded in my 18 on a 23. My wife and I both loved the 18, but I got the itch when I started reading about how great the gen 3s were on here. My 18 only had 28k and my wife thought I was crazy for wanting to trade it in…until she went with me to test drive the 23. We both loved the...
  12. HTXShadow

    GEN 3 Official Aftermarket Wheels Thread

    What are the specs on these?