FRF Addict
Survey says... Number One on the list of the Top Ten things to do in your Raptor:

Why? Because you can!!!
Quite a few members have pics or video of their Raptor with its wheels up in the air (unfortunately, these have been randomly scattered across this forum over several years and are hard to locate). If you are one of them - post your pics/videos here!
Be sure to join the "Airborne Raptors" group and post some of your pics in that area for the browsers
See here:
Not everyone has jumped their Raptor, so it is a more exclusive group for hardcore offroaders who push the limits (although if someone has a pic jumping their street queen they certainly qualify too haha). Just upload one or more jump pics into your photo album, then add it to the Airborne Raptors group when you join.
*** (HOW TO JOIN: 1) post a jump pic or video, then 2) join the group - following these easy step by step instructions: At the top of the forum click on "User CP" (Control Panel). On the left side click on "Social Groups". Select "Airborne Raptors" and you have joined. Just that easy. While you are there, you might as well join any other groups that suit you. If you have a jump pic in your photo album - click on the pic, then "Add to Group", then select "Airborne Raptors" group. Now that pic is in that group's album when you open it.)***
If you have yet to do a nice jump (a frame kit for big air or kickers is strongly recommended), get those wheels up and post it here! Will be nice to see these in one easy-to-find location.
Tell us a little about your pic or video... where, when etc.
* If you come across cool pics or videos of OTHER Raptors catching air, post them here too. We want to enjoy all of that eye candy! *
** If you have a YouTube channel, be sure to list it so we can find all your Raptor videos. That way we can "like", comment, and subscribe to your channel (and of course mention cool pic/video/expedition threads on FRF) **

2012 Lil Sahara Raptor Dune Run
TexasRaptorX - YouTube
Some look. Some leap. The fearless join.
To date - those with the balls to jump AND join: (FRF's wild AND crazy!)
Aarons419 (AZ)
All The Way (NY)
Badgerscab6.2 (WI)
bcjohnson22 (MO)
BigBlue (IL)
Bigg50 (CA)
Birdman (MA)
BlackMamba (TX)
BlueSVT (CA)
BoJangles (TX)
CAbimmer (TX)
Captain Awesome (Canada)
Conejoracer (CA)
cparksjr (MI)
CSmith (TX)
E63 (CA)
Evilmonkey (WA)
HarleyGuy (TX)
IHaveGas (CA)
ISFast (OK)
ISurvive (CO)
Jake Y (AZ)
Jhawk (WY)
JLatigo (TX)
JerryBalls (CA)
JohnnyBeagle (CA)
Kanakry (MI)
KeatonSkidmore (TX)
KX250R (CA)
Madcowranch (OK)
MarcPhillipPhotography (CA)
Maxx2893 (TX)
Mfrunlimited (MS)
MotuMute (TX)
MyDinosaur (CO)
Night_Stalker (OK)
OkieRacing (OK)
pat'sRAPTOR (GA)
PhyGuy (CO)
pickles1298 (NM)
pirate air (CO)
Pynenut (NV)
Raptizzle (CA)
Rasco (TX)
Red (TX)
Rotpar (TX)
RoushRaptor661 (CA)
Sgt Fast (CA)
Sliver Raptor (VA)
Spartan117 (Canada)
Squatting Dog (MO)
Steele16 (WA)
Strafe (Canada)
SVT 4X4 (TX)
SVT_4X4 (MI)
SvtDon (CA)
Texas MotorWorx (TX)
The Car Stereo Company (CA)
TMX Engineer (TX)
TurfTamer ( CO)
WhtRapta (MO)
Wilson (SD)
Yukon Joe (NC)
Survey says... Number One on the list of the Top Ten things to do in your Raptor:

Why? Because you can!!!
Quite a few members have pics or video of their Raptor with its wheels up in the air (unfortunately, these have been randomly scattered across this forum over several years and are hard to locate). If you are one of them - post your pics/videos here!
Be sure to join the "Airborne Raptors" group and post some of your pics in that area for the browsers
See here:
Not everyone has jumped their Raptor, so it is a more exclusive group for hardcore offroaders who push the limits (although if someone has a pic jumping their street queen they certainly qualify too haha). Just upload one or more jump pics into your photo album, then add it to the Airborne Raptors group when you join.
*** (HOW TO JOIN: 1) post a jump pic or video, then 2) join the group - following these easy step by step instructions: At the top of the forum click on "User CP" (Control Panel). On the left side click on "Social Groups". Select "Airborne Raptors" and you have joined. Just that easy. While you are there, you might as well join any other groups that suit you. If you have a jump pic in your photo album - click on the pic, then "Add to Group", then select "Airborne Raptors" group. Now that pic is in that group's album when you open it.)***
If you have yet to do a nice jump (a frame kit for big air or kickers is strongly recommended), get those wheels up and post it here! Will be nice to see these in one easy-to-find location.
Tell us a little about your pic or video... where, when etc.
* If you come across cool pics or videos of OTHER Raptors catching air, post them here too. We want to enjoy all of that eye candy! *
** If you have a YouTube channel, be sure to list it so we can find all your Raptor videos. That way we can "like", comment, and subscribe to your channel (and of course mention cool pic/video/expedition threads on FRF) **

2012 Lil Sahara Raptor Dune Run
TexasRaptorX - YouTube
Some look. Some leap. The fearless join.
To date - those with the balls to jump AND join: (FRF's wild AND crazy!)
Aarons419 (AZ)
All The Way (NY)
Badgerscab6.2 (WI)
bcjohnson22 (MO)
BigBlue (IL)
Bigg50 (CA)
Birdman (MA)
BlackMamba (TX)
BlueSVT (CA)
BoJangles (TX)
CAbimmer (TX)
Captain Awesome (Canada)
Conejoracer (CA)
cparksjr (MI)
CSmith (TX)
E63 (CA)
Evilmonkey (WA)
HarleyGuy (TX)
IHaveGas (CA)
ISFast (OK)
ISurvive (CO)
Jake Y (AZ)
Jhawk (WY)
JLatigo (TX)
JerryBalls (CA)
JohnnyBeagle (CA)
Kanakry (MI)
KeatonSkidmore (TX)
KX250R (CA)
Madcowranch (OK)
MarcPhillipPhotography (CA)
Maxx2893 (TX)
Mfrunlimited (MS)
MotuMute (TX)
MyDinosaur (CO)
Night_Stalker (OK)
OkieRacing (OK)
pat'sRAPTOR (GA)
PhyGuy (CO)
pickles1298 (NM)
pirate air (CO)
Pynenut (NV)
Raptizzle (CA)
Rasco (TX)
Red (TX)
Rotpar (TX)
RoushRaptor661 (CA)
Sgt Fast (CA)
Sliver Raptor (VA)
Spartan117 (Canada)
Squatting Dog (MO)
Steele16 (WA)
Strafe (Canada)
SVT 4X4 (TX)
SVT_4X4 (MI)
SvtDon (CA)
Texas MotorWorx (TX)
The Car Stereo Company (CA)
TMX Engineer (TX)
TurfTamer ( CO)
WhtRapta (MO)
Wilson (SD)
Yukon Joe (NC)

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