If you are also in the market for a gun safe, the E&G Console Safe takes the left half for the safe and the other side is for the drawer. The drawer then will fit in tight and not move, but you can still lift it out and use the space underneath. It's a real nice addition, even if you just use it for valuables. I got mine from Nick at [USER=1314]@Nick@Apollo-Optics[/USER].[URL unfurl="true"][/URL]
If you are also in the market for a gun safe, the E&G Console Safe takes the left half for the safe and the other side is for the drawer. The drawer then will fit in tight and not move, but you can still lift it out and use the space underneath. It's a real nice addition, even if you just use it for valuables. I got mine from Nick at [USER=1314]@Nick@Apollo-Optics[/USER].
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