That seems like an aiming issue more so than lighting up one side or the other. If properly aimed, the BD spots wouldn’t offend oncoming drivers, but wide corner or driving combo would probably be a problem.
if you’re going for road side critters, I’d consider the wide corner B/D squadron pros, maybe a driving combo. Wide corner squadrons are legit and a great bang for the buck at lighting up the roadside in the near range. You will need some distance lighting to push further out.
I do SAE, combo spot, but am moving the spots out and replacing with amber combo. I keep the SAE lit on back roads, and run a white combo for additional fill. The only reason I don’t have a wide corner in there now is that they’re way too much for oncoming traffic and I’m constantly having to shut them down, where I can get away with a combo squadron pro here in TX because it seems to be customary to run off road LED bars here. I don’t like seeing them but apparently everyone here thinks they’re cool.