So, I was on the Internet one day and I received a private message saying this:
So, I said this:
I've been a long-time lurker on this site, but looks like I'll switch over to FRF being my main source of entertainment.
Thanks for having me.
ESAD said:If you do not like the way we run this site, or disagree with the reasons we delete threads or prevent people advertising here, or anything else we do. You are best served to go elsewhere.
You are now moderated and will be banned if you continue on.
If you think this site is "********", go find somewhere else to visit.
So, I said this:
swoop1156 said:Guys...
Today is a sad day; I am leaving this site. I still have the Raptor and will for a long long time.
I was just "warned" over a Private Message by member ESAD that I am now being "moderated" and that anything that they don't approve of coming out of my mouth will result in my banning.
I prefer to engage in freedom and not being watched over by some sort of holier than thou character(s), so I am leaving. Too bad it had to come to this, as I think this is a good site with some not so great leadership. I've learned tons on this site about the truck and I hope that you all have learned some from me.
Sad to see that I protect our freedoms everyday with my career in the Military -- yet we cannot say what we want on here.
Peace and keep Raptoring on.
I've been a long-time lurker on this site, but looks like I'll switch over to FRF being my main source of entertainment.
Thanks for having me.