I was thinking about getting Mike @ Elite Automotive Products to customize a license plate for me (or for us). I saw the work he did on the "Boss 6.2L" frame and thought I would put my thinking cap on. I did contact him with some ideas and thought I would run it by you guys and see what you thought.
The basic design is of the original SVT license plate with a special designation for our truck. I thought about putting the 6.2L but that would leave out our 5.4L buddies.
It is a quick ROUGH photoshop job, so don't beat the artistic rendering. I wanted it done before the weekend in case we had more traffic on the weekend. All feedback good or bad welcomed
The basic design is of the original SVT license plate with a special designation for our truck. I thought about putting the 6.2L but that would leave out our 5.4L buddies.
It is a quick ROUGH photoshop job, so don't beat the artistic rendering. I wanted it done before the weekend in case we had more traffic on the weekend. All feedback good or bad welcomed