Well my crappy luck continues. Was in the process of swapping the rubber lines with SDHQ stainless and painting the calipers. Started on the right rear and the first fitting just screwed me. The hard line fitting to the rubber line that connects to the caliper was basically welded together. Tried heat, tried PB blaster and still ended up snapping the damn fitting. I think I save the hard line but the fitting is screwed.
What are my options? I called the dealer and they stated they don't sale the hard lines. Each has to be custom make.
So, I either pay out the ass to get a new one bent or just buy the tools to bend and flare a new one.
Salvage yard, take off? Any online dealers sale these things? I can't see it being THAT rare of a replacement Item?
What are my options? I called the dealer and they stated they don't sale the hard lines. Each has to be custom make.
So, I either pay out the ass to get a new one bent or just buy the tools to bend and flare a new one.
Salvage yard, take off? Any online dealers sale these things? I can't see it being THAT rare of a replacement Item?