********Everybody on here thinks there year or mileage or truck is the best. No modifications do not add anything to your truck, it can actually depreciate the value of it unless you find just one person looking for those modifications. In my experience a modified car/ truck is worth less than a standard stock equipped car or truck.
I have over 130k in my truck, you're high if you think it's worth at or less than blue book. You couldn't recreate my truck with a used Raptor for 60k unless you stalked the message boards and bought all used/mismatched stuff and even then you'd have to do all the labor yourself - that is where the value comes in.
I freely admit an enthusiast would be the one buying it, which is why I said 'someone on this forum'. Similar trucks have sold for 60-80k, that's reality.
Used JKs sell for more than MSRP because they already have all the upgrades - are they depreciated, of course but they absolutely do not sell for at or less than a stock one because too many folks want one already finished and ready to play.