BUNMAN-Adventures, Rescue & Recovery
Thank You for the kind wordsBeautiful pics, but as usual I have a few questions:
1) How can you afford the gas now
2) If you can afford the gas now, at what point do we have to start a gofundme to keep you going out in the desert
3) Why are there roads out there? Are they old mining roads and who built them? We have forestry roads and they were all built so loggers and their trucks could get in to **** the land, lol.
Keep the pics coming John!!!

#1 I only eat 2 very small meals a day, We don’t drink, gamble or smoke the Devil Weed. We haven’t turned the heat on all year.
#2 The Go- Fund - Me would be greatly appreciated before I have to start fighting the dogs for food.
#3 How the H E L L would I know..

some are mining roads, some are power line roads and a lot are just washes just begging to be explored. Before Nav-Apps I would just see a dirt road and try to find out where it went..
One of Nevada’s greatest features is that almost 87% of NV Land is public/Federally owned. That is the greatest percentage in the lower 48, providing some fantastic recreational opportunities. I’m sure that the CA Locus, ( no offense) will find a way to *** that up