Here is my 2019, the wife was sitting in a turn lane and was struck almost broadside by a chick who traversed 3 lanes of traffic- apparently with here eyes closed- trying to get into the turn lane where my truck already was. She was at fault and cited for her foolishness, the wife has some injuries but she will recover from those. The truck is a different story... although the damage appeares to me to be somewhat minor, its not. The other driver at least had Farmers's insurance however, she only had $50k coverage for vehicle damage... The Farmers adjuster told me that they repairs would probably eclipse their coverage limit and he felt that it was totaled. The Truck went to Koon's Ford and they conducted a cursory inspection of the broken bits BUT did not have a mechanic inspect the frame or other mechanical bits. Farmers tossed this to my insurance (USAA) and they took their sweet time calling, advising or returning calls. Acting on their own they approved an invoice from Koons for the suspension and body bits for $15,920 (incl labor). They told Koons to start fixing... we are now 1.5 months since the they received the truck and they STILL have not looked for frame damage. My calls and texts to USAA went unanswered. Well, guess what... KOONS finally inspected the frame and ITS BENT, requiring it to be replaced.... Surely this is totaled now right? Nope, Koons sent another invoice to USAA for $12,290 more dollars for the apparent deconstruction and reconstruction of my truck. So, this is wehre I sit, now 2 months in and no expplanations from USAA... what does it take to total a truck? I am worried that I will get this back and I will be forever chasing down issues! What do you all think? what more can I do about this?
Thank you for your help!