I designed and made my own mounting bracket. I changed my mind 3 times while I was making it.
Took me most of the day. I finally was able to cut, fit, weld, & paint the part.
I made it so it is a 'bolt-in part', using the factory bolts/screws & mounting holes, in & behind the grill.
Easy to 'put in' or 'take out'.
You will need the muti-hole angle iron, hacksaw or chopsaw, vise, grinder, & welder.
I mounted my bracket at the bottom of the grill and the light bar rest on top of the bracket, bolted to it in 4 places.
You could also, mount the bracket between the vertical grill supports and hang your light bar from it.
This light bar fits with ZERO room on either side.
Pretty much - a perfect fit.