2018 with 100k miles. I've had the tuck for about a month and I noticed that when I pour the coals to it, there is a noticeable chirpy whistle that fades. It only happens at certain RPM/throttle positions. I've got a diagnostic scheduled at the local Ford dealership, but they can't get me in...
Hello everyone. I recently purchased a 2018 raptor with 70k miles. I’ve driven it for about a month and put a little over 1k miles on it. Driving it to and from work within that time was great there was 0 issues and 0 noises. After recently taking it off-roading last weekend, the truck started...
So 11k miles on my 2019 garage queen that has seen a couple long, high speed Utah trails... but generally helped me get to Starbucks in style. About 1000 miles ago I noticed a squeak under my seat pad every time the road is a bit bumpy, on turns, etc. So playing around with it, I realized the...
So I have this squeaking that occurs when I go over tiny and large bumps as well as when I turn the steering wheel at low speeds. Ford thought it was the right front upper control arm so I replaced both UCAs with Camburgs and spacers and the noise still persists. Any ideas would be greatly...
Went off roaring and when I got home I noticed a squeak coming from the leaf spring. does anyone know if my leaf spring went or does it just need to be tightened? Any help would be appreciated I attached pictures of both and as you can tell the first pics last leaf spring has a gap.
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