skid plate bolts

  1. James Louie

    Complete OEM Skid Plate Hardware

    So I just did my transmission fluid change in my 2018 (first owner) and had to remove the 3 skid plate pieces. Some of those retainer hex nuts snapped (rusted out) making the job take a good amount longer. I decided to replace all the hardware that holds the skid plates together. I don’t think...
  2. F

    Gen 2 OEM Skid Plate Hardware

    Anyone have the OEM part numbers for the 4 skid plate bolts and clip nuts towards the front of the skid plate? These are the ones that you need a 13mm socket to remove. Not to be confused with the two bolts/nuts towards the rear of the skid plate that need a 15mm socket to remove. HB4 and...