2018 Gen 2 raptor: So today randomly after going out I was shifting from 2nd to 1st and it took a solid 3-4 seconds and lurched me forward. It was not normal. From then on if I gave it a little gas in any gear (I was in automatic mode) and let off, there would be a bump and what felt like a...
2017 SCREW Raptor - 160k miles
had cam phasers done twice under warranty and all other service and recalls
We tow a small travel trailer a lot and I am wondering what other high mileage gen 2s are out there. Truck runs great no noises and trans fluid has looked clean each flush. What would be...
Looking into purchased GEN2 with about 50K Miles.... Any input that might be helpful with this cold start "clink" on 1st start up?
Thanks for your input GEN2 Owners regarding purchasing used GEN2
Apologize if I've missed a similar thread. My 2021 raptor shakes at low speeds, been increasingly profound and then occurred slightly on highway, engine light is on, truck develops a burning smell under hood, and periodically won't start. I've got it in the shop, but trying to figure out how one...
I own and daily a 2012 supercrew, and in the process of trying to install new VVT solenoid gaskets, I cracked my driver-side valve cover. Of course, all replacement parts appear to be discontinued. Are there any suitable replacement parts that are out there that I can buy? Any input is appreciated.
I have a 2014 Ford Raptor. 6.2 V8 engine. It has 165k on it. The other day I was pulling it into the garage and heard a new sound. I got out of the truck and stuck my head into the driver side wheel well... And I heard "rod knock." I was 100% sure it was rod knock, because I've heard it before...
Went to the gas station this morning, filled up, then truck wouldn't start. It would crank fine. After the third try it started be ran very rough and erratically at about 400 rpm. Turned it off. Started again, same thing. Gave it some gas pedal and it started running fine if I didn't let it go...
Looking for recommendations for a trusted engine builder here in Texas. Roush 6.2 let go a few months ago and my search for engine builders has come up short with only one or two shops able to do it that are either +6 months out on work or far too expensive. Would prefer to rebuild but if I cant...
So basically the DI fuel injectors cracked out and cause misfire and bent a spark plug and scaring on the piston and now Im considering building the engine just wanted to know if anyone's done it and the reliability and hp outcome from it. I mainly dont want to waste a good block considering the...
So, I decided to upgrade the TWINS. And since I am no longer restricted by my warranty, I am removing the factory restrictions from the intake and exhaust in one fell swoop. I am calling this project “No Restrictions".
I’ve done a lot of things with engines. This was my first turbo swap. I...
I bought this truck on September 17, 2018 and hit 100,000 miles on September 10, 2020. The only issues I had with the truck was that I needed the PCM reflashed due to shifting issues between 3-4 and 7-8-9. The reflash solved it. One other issue is the white smoke out of exhaust after extended...
So my truck was diagnosed with a streched timing chain at 105,000. I live in Denver but am currently working in San Diego. I decided to replace the whole engine. Sourced a 2019 engine and transmission with new miles on it (approximately under 100). Donor vehicle had engine removed for V8...
Really hoping someone on here has some insight into a problem I’ve been having.its a 2018 SuperCab with 23,000 miles. I’ll start with the only times it seems to do it is after a drive. So I can drive the truck running errands or whatever come home and it’ll sit for 10-30 mins and then when I go...
All right everyone I'm a new member I've looked around on the forms and haven't been able to find everything that I'm looking for so forgive me if I've somehow overlooked something but yes before anyone asks I have used the search function LOL. I just finally got my dream truck a gen 1 Raptor...
I previously owned a 2017 Raptor that had all kinds of issues and now I have a 2019 which runs great except for when it is cold (my 2017 also did the same thing). I have never had a vehicle drive so different when cold verses warmed up. The acceleration and shifting is horrible. It doesn't...
I wanted to see if someone could help me. My Roush 2014 raptor with 38K miles had a catastrophic engine failure with an oil pump failure. Apparently when I contacted Roush and Ford will not cover the $20K to put a new engine in with labor. Anyone have any recommendations or heard of something...
Have owned a 13 and 14 Raptor. Looking at a 2010 with 190k miles....but for $13k. What all do I need to replace or have rebuilt in terms of engine? I'd like to put a supercharger on it. What should I do in terms of suspension if I'm using it as daily driver with a tendency to offroad in some...
I've been hearing these noises and I have no clue what they could be? I've gone to the dealer twice complaining about the noise and got the same answer both times of course.
Dealerships are no help!!!
I've got a 2018 801A lighting blue with 15,200 miles. The noise has been occuring since less...
Note: Too long; didn’t read summary at the bottom as to not spoil the story.
As my intro post to the forum shows, I bought a 2019 SCREW Raptor on Monday (3/4) from local dealer inventory. It had 12 miles when I test drove it, under 40 miles when leaving the finance office.
Fast forward to...
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