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    AntennaMastsRus - The Original 6 3/4 INCH

    My truck is a 10 and I put the Craven on it new. I live on the Tx costal plains, flat land. Only issue was going thur the rockies a few years ago, other than that its been perfect.
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    What to do when shit happens

    Get an estimate first, then decide
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    New 19 Was sold to me by dealer and has been repainted

    Years ago I worked at a ford dealer in new car make ready and receiving. Most cars were shipped by rail and I have seen everthing from broken windshields to bullet holes in doors and fenders. The process was file insurance claims, fix em, paint em. sell em.
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    Front end noise

    My front springs rattle and chatter, the shocks chirp and squeal and the exaust noise above 5000 revs in 4 hi locked in thrid gear is somwwhat excessive and all kinds of strange noises come from the rear under hard brakeing. All of this is on hard pack gravel and rough sandy roads and trails...
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    selectshift ? is this an option i can add later

    The 2010 pretty much have select shift in 1st, 2nd and 3rd gear, which ever one you select is the one you get. If you have the truck in third gear and stop the tranny will not down shift to low, you will take off in 3rd gear, same for second. I use it that way all the time. Most of my off road...
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    new guy

    Thanks for the welcome, Corpus Christi. South Tx at its worse.--------Larry
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    new guy

    No pics of my truck, looks just like every other 6.2 orange scab except this time of year mine is always dirty.--------------Larry
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    new guy

    Hello folks, just came over from that other place, the one with the Z. I've been driveing my truck seince june. Its a 2010 with the 6.2. I have had a lot of trucks over the years and this is the best one ever. Not really into the off road deal for the sake of off roading, just have to to get...