when I flipped the upfitter switch I could here the relay open and close. So I started to disconnect the plugs on the lights one at a time and narrowed it down. .
When I was at the Raptor Assault the instructor told us not to run the AC on Max AC and full fan. He said it’s a know issue and it freezes up in this condition. Not sure if this is your issue, but thought I’d make comment.
I just installed the kit I bought months ago. Was a universal kit, but Airlift sent me a set of the Raptor specific bottom spacers. Super easy, took about an hour. Installed the fill valve in one of the license plate holes. Need to hook up the camper with the WDH and see where it ends up...
Champaign Ford City in Champaign Illinois shows 2 Raptors on the lot, unfortunately neither is Oxford. one is Azure and other Black. I have not verified either, but I can tell you they sell theirs at MSRP. This is where I bought mine And I got it at sticker.
I’m not unhappy with the light output. I have them pointed slightly down and they still go pretty far. I use them on back roads on the occasion I drive the truck to work. Done want to serious blind any on coming traffic in the time it takes me to get to the upfitter switch.
Thanks I did find those fuses. It baffles me that the Super Duty has a relay box and Ive seen reference to F150’s having a relay box. Possibly the difference is the Super Duty may use them for snow plows and such And Raptor for mainly lights.
It’s also bizarre in the pic posted above the...
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