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  1. ADD_CoreyHoeft

    Addictive Desert Designs

    sorry it has taken me so long to get back on here. We have actually brought down our lead times down to 16wks (we were recently at 20-22wks), our goal is to get closer to the 10-12wk mark. We are still offering the free shipping, but its getting harder with these added fuel costs.
  2. ADD_CoreyHoeft

    Addictive Desert Designs

    yeah we arent getting many requests/orders for the Gen1 anymore, so we have discontinued all bumpers other than the "Venom R"
  3. ADD_CoreyHoeft

    Addictive Desert Designs

    we dont have a stocking warehouse, everything is built to order. we recently did a pretty major discontinuation, and that had dropped down our lead times around 4weeks currently, so we're hoping that continues to get better. Best thing to do is get an order in and I'll get it to you asap.
  4. ADD_CoreyHoeft

    Addictive Desert Designs

    this is the closest one we used to build that is the closest to your bumper
  5. ADD_CoreyHoeft

    Addictive Desert Designs

    you as well... be safe out there
  6. ADD_CoreyHoeft

    Addictive Desert Designs

    Hows it going everyone? I am the newest salesman at Addictive Desert Designs, and if I can assist anyone with answers to any questions or anything at all, please feel free to hit me up here. Or you can email me at [email protected] Have a great day everyone!