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  1. T

    Indiana Dealer with 37" Gen 3 In Stock (Leadfoot), Selling at MSRP ($83k)

    is it just me or does the blue interior not look that blue in those pictures
  2. T

    2022 Unscheduled Squad

    order is in. now we wait. my dealer explained he is expecting two 35” allocations and one 37”, according to his zone rep, but doesn’t have them yet. zone rep was not able to tell him exactly when the allocations will be given I am his first ‘22 raptor order. Will be watching this thread close...
  3. T

    2022 Unscheduled Squad

    For those who ordered a ‘21, what was a reasonable or average amount of time to sit in unscheduled clean before getting a date? Trying to figure out on the ‘22s if there is a way to predict whether the order was placed with or without an allocation. In other words, how long should I wait in...

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