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  1. Mthon7

    Towing Reviews ONLY

    So just finished first long tow with 23 Raptor. We pulled Mastercraft X30 wake boat a total of 1000 miles. I would put total weight 7000-7500 but have not had it on scale. We pulled from central Illinois to Beaver Lake Arkansas so plenty of hills and 2 lane roads in addition to Interstate. I...
  2. Mthon7

    Daily Driver + Sports Car --> Raptor

    Traded 19 Platinum for 23 Raptor and have Miata ND2 manual for fun car 6 months out of the year. It is so much more fun than previous M3….not faster but funner
  3. Mthon7

    Rookie Raptor Owner

    Great choice!
  4. Mthon7

    Iconic Silver Club Gen 3 Raptor

    Have yet to post on this thread....had for just over a month but driven very little because weather has been nice and getting last use of the Miata....Best Color IMO
  5. Mthon7

    New with a 2023 Raptor

    Welcome from another midwesterner
  6. Mthon7

    Heated Steering option to be installed by dealer at no extra cost to customers!

    Any idea of why it is limited to certain 23's....self serving question since mine is beyond the build date
  7. Mthon7

    New Gen 3!

    This my third F150 but first Raptor! Picked her up last Thursday after long search and much debating. Could not be happier with the Iconic Silver and dark wheels. This site has been great for information so thanks everyone!
  8. Mthon7

    Really appreciate it…picked her up today!

    Really appreciate it…picked her up today!
  9. Mthon7

    I am waiting for my 23 Ionic silver to be delivered! Will need to pick up boat after...

    I am waiting for my 23 Ionic silver to be delivered! Will need to pick up boat after winterization and have a question about hitch. You have 3 inch flipped up so it is 3 inch rise? Will your trailer raise that high to hitch? Thanks bTW my wife is still worried it is going to be bad tow...
  10. Mthon7

    Floor Mats

    I have a 23 Iconic Silver coming this month. Currently have mismatching mats in my 19 platinum and do not plan on transferring those. Anyway what comes standard in the raptor as far as mats? I did not place this order but was already ordered and was color I wanted at MSRP so jumped on it.
  11. Mthon7

    Ford Raptor Invoice Pricing

    so in the 30 minutes later sold it.....shoot
  12. Mthon7

    Ford Raptor Invoice Pricing

    So thoughts on this....New 2022 with sunroof and 802a for MSRP?? Were asking 3k over but won't budge under is soon to be 2 MY old which still seems hard to swallow
  13. Mthon7

    Anyone try the AirLyft air bags?

    That is great information and thanks for the pictures. Just so I understand you use a bike pump with the trailer attached and it will lift the truck? The Air lift rep told a different story although is second hand information. Thanks for all the information!
  14. Mthon7

    Anyone try the AirLyft air bags?

    Do you have an onboard compressor?
  15. Mthon7

    Anyone try the AirLyft air bags?

    I am considering a Gen 3 but worried about towing roughly 7500# boat so considering the Air Lift. Spoke with local shop and they happen to have the rep from Air Lyft in shop later in the week. Anyway rep said bags inflated prior to load as they increase resistance of springs to decrease squat...
  16. Mthon7

    Thanks!. Do you have airbags becuase that squat seems minimal? Thanks

    Thanks!. Do you have airbags becuase that squat seems minimal? Thanks
  17. Mthon7

    I would love to see a picture of squat. I tow a 2013 MC X30 (23.5) with F150 and getting ready...

    I would love to see a picture of squat. I tow a 2013 MC X30 (23.5) with F150 and getting ready to replace and really want a raptor. Short tows other than a trip to Beaver lake Arkansas once a year that is 500 miles each way. thanks