Amber thanks again for all your help.
Amber responder back to like a thousands questions I had as I was trying to make up my mind on the cover. Real Truck's service was top notch.
Like I said, I'm very happy with the purchase and I agree very little downsides and pretty similar price to the retrax. At first the cover was very slow to retract. I actually went out and bought some silicone spray for the rails. After about a week it loosened up on its own and is fine now...
I also should have added I love the fact that I was able to fit the 1.75gal Rotopax under the canister. I have like a 1/2" of extra clearance, like it was made for the space.
Hi guys,
I toiled over which tonneau cover to get for several months. My elevate rails with Truxedo Sentry roll-up did not age very well. After 4 years the vinyl almost completely separated form the aluminum. My constraints were that i wanted rails (like the elevate) for bicycle mounts, I...
I’ve been running 87 for the past two years and no real problems. I just bought an mpt tune and will be switching to 93. I ran the numbers for here in New England and it will make about a $2k difference over the next 60k miles. Not to bad for the hp difference with a tune.
any suggestions on location. I don’t think anywhere else under the body will be better. I was toying with the idea of bringing it up into the seem between the bed and cab but it would be very tight.
Just finished mine. Big note here I did it all bolt on using the existing holes in the frame and super-strut. I then used zip ties to lean up all the wires and hoses.
I appreciate that Wayne. I did a quick dry fit in the space where you have it and it gets pretty tight. I'm thinking i'm going to move forward with the frame mount and super-strut. I'll hopefully have pictures to post in a couple of days. One other question. I'm going to wire this into an...
Great install. I just went to lowes and bought a bunch of parts for my own install but i was going to go onto the frame near the muffler. How did you mount it?
Hi MAMiller, I had similar requirements but i wanted a hard roll cover for security. I went with the TruXedo Sentry + Elevate rack system.
This uses standard t-rails so...
I've been browsing this forum a lot the last couple of days looking for everything i want to add to it. Thanks for all the great posts here guys! I was looking for a hard tonneau cover that will work with a rail system so i can add a roof top tent. I decided to order a TruXedo Sentry +...
9A7282F8-3C61-4CE6-99DD-4D031110F7BA by Xexar posted Jan 20, 2020 at 8:07 AM
Hi guys. I’ve been a SUV guy my whole life but decided I needed a truck. I figured if I was getting one I might as well start at the top with a new Raptor. I’ve had it two days now and couldn’t be happier.
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