Crap, I am still waiting on mine... No build date... Wildtrack in cactus grey... Was on the fence on letting the Raptor go when its ready. Only a few things I hate... towing capacity sux, no rear AC vents sux..... Will make decision when it arrives
selling body fluid... no... working for the same company for over 32 years from $4 per hour to present time where we really are blessed. pay more in taxes and dont get stimulus and that is OK.
Ive always wondered why someone doesnt invent something to put in garage opening that hooks into backpack blower to mimic the car wash exit blowers... at least help
I agree, Also no 12 volt power outlet or 110V power outlet. Who the hell owns a truck and doesnt use the bed. I wired from the upfitter #6 through the frame rail so I would have power. Use most often to power the fridge/freezer during trips or costco runs
I came to that conclusion as well.. drop in speakers being delivered today from crutchfield and will take door apart in a few hours once it warms up a little..
will see how it goes
seems pretty common but my 19 with the B&O has what seems to be a door speaker problem. Hate to take to a stealership for something so small and set a claim or wait the however many weeks for them to be able to diagnose.
Anyone have take outs after upgrading their audio that you would be...
Here are a few answers to questions. Few images from the forward camera with the BajaDesigns XL Linkable kit on the truck with door open and door closed. The next was during the installation. Question was asked about if you need to "drill the bumper" and the answer is NO but you do need to...
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