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  1. A

    Limited year for

    Would you buy a Raptor R at MSRP right now if given the opportunity in this same economic environment?
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    Limited year for

    Pro Tip to the Poors doing the flipping for the “lucrative” profit scheme, there is always Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, and Kuwait for the oil money. Lots of sand and lots of US tax dollars in their bank accounts. I haven’t checked import/export controls for brokers in a while, maybe get rich or...
  3. A

    Limited year for

    Now gentlemen, this is a safe space for all Raptor R enthusiasts, a place to complain about ADM, Ford Scheduling, Scum Bag dealers and color matched fender flairs. If someone wants to get “lucrative” money from parking their R in the garage and selling it, who are we to judge. Also to the...
  4. A

    Official 2023 Raptor R Order Thread

    Super pumped for you my guy! That’s awesome hopefully we start seeing more folks getting that email! If mine gets picked up we will be twins same exact build!
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    Official 2023 Raptor R Order Thread

    In true Ford Fashion “who knows”. Called dealer they said they hadn’t heard a peep out of the scheduler. I am in a small market, someone may have more definitive news lol. The beauty of low expectations is not getting disappointed. I would genuinely be happy if someone poped in this thread...
  6. A

    Official 2023 Raptor R Order Thread

    Wow ya that is significant. I also understand from reading on BOF, that all speciality vehicles like the Raptor, Shelby, and Raptor R are manually scheduled by a regional planner. According to IC the forum mod and ford dealer employee.
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    Official 2023 Raptor R Order Thread

    Dealer can tell you. I was sitting there looking at my order in the Ford system and it had a column labeled priority code it was 10. This was in the GMs comp screen. There were 6 orders in my dealers banks for the Raptor R, 4 were showing 19, 2 were showing 10 (mine and another dudes).
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    Official 2023 Raptor R Order Thread

    The dealer can give you the current priority code it is also on the order preview before they place the order. It’s a document like the one attached in the picture. I just grabbed a pic off the web for an example as I don’t have mine handy. My order started at 19 but is now a 10.
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    Official 2023 Raptor R Order Thread

    Scheduling doesn’t start till the 8th. Was pushed back 1 week. Refer to my post on the prior page.
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    Official 2023 Raptor R Order Thread

    Interesting that wouldn’t shock me if true. I would say this is going to be a long haul for many.
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    Official 2023 Raptor R Order Thread

    Ya came back to correct my post. Just went to BOF. 9/8 scheduling begins.
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    Official 2023 Raptor R Order Thread

    Interesting last I heard scheduling starts on 9/8 (edit). Definitely keep us in the loop.
  13. A

    Dealer giving out my R?

    I will kick in a few as well.
  14. A

    Dealer giving out my R?

    Honestly just curious as I really could care either way if my order does come in (low expectation given the market). How is there not some recourse legally if the dealer places the order specifically for you, with a copy of your driver’s license, and in some instances a large deposit of funds...
  15. A

    Ford email Anyone else receive this email from ford about there hopefully raptor r order??? My dealer informed me he’s still not for sure if he’s get

    Yep July 18th (1st day to order) was 45 days from yesterday. I received this email yesterday as I ordered on the 18th. I think it’s an automated mailer.
  16. A

    Official 2023 Raptor R Order Thread

    Understood I’m just curious what moving along means and how they the dealer described that. The problem with your first post’s context is in this time of not knowing details, it leads people to believe there getting screwed because they don’t have a perceived inside track compared to others...
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    Official 2023 Raptor R Order Thread

    When you say picked up what does that mean that they gave you a build week?
  18. A

    Raptor R Orders

    Got the same email approximately 1 hour ago.
  19. A

    Raptor R Orders

    Anyone get any info from the dealer side when the new date for scheduling is? Looks like the bulletin for this week still isn’t up at BOF.
  20. A

    Raptor R Orders

    Just checked on BOF still nothing on the schedule.
  21. A

    Ready to Order and Buy. Cannot find allocation. Any tips/tricks?

    Sent you a PM on a lead for a V6. Posted about this yesterday on another thread.
  22. A

    Any update on current dealer ADM asks?

    See the bold in my original message.
  23. A

    ADM and destroyed dealer relationships?

    As an FYI I created a thread on this today in this section of the forum, if anyone is in the market for a 2022 White V6 Raptor that is currently being built private message me for dealer contact info. It’s not a 37 but it’s at MSRP and no fun and games at time of delivery. Buyer backed out...