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  1. PTobias

    Firestone jacked my Raptor

    So I've been buying the Firestone lifetime alignment program for pretty much all of my cars for several years, and took my 2018 Raptor in today for tire rotate/balance alignment tweak and state inspection. first thing odd was that it took all day - ominous music plays get it back and they...
  2. PTobias

    Strange noise and clunk at highway speeds

    my IWE Solenoid appeared to be bone dry - did not look like water or anything got into it. it was just dry and dusty
  3. PTobias

    Strange noise and clunk at highway speeds

    @WillieFlo , apologies, i'm just seeing this. Looks like you got your issue fixed with the IWE check valve so Cheers!
  4. PTobias

    Strange noise and clunk at highway speeds

    Update, With FordTechOne's guidance, using one of the new Solenoids, i rigged up a vacuum gauge and just as he predicted, drove around in 2WD for about quarter mile, and ****, vacuum came up. Switched to 4A and vacuum went away. Switched back to 2WD and the vacuum came back up. Thanks for...
  5. PTobias

    Strange noise and clunk at highway speeds

    noted, I'll make sure it's good and warm and re-test do you know what voltage i should see on the leads when it is warmed up and in 4WD vs 2WD mode
  6. PTobias

    Strange noise and clunk at highway speeds

    OK, very frustrated here. I have vacuum to the solenoid the lines to the IWE hubs hold vacuum It appears the the check valve is good i have now tried 3 different solenoids, and when i put the truck in 2WD, i don't get any vacuum to the IWE hub lines, no clicking in the solenoids, nothing...
  7. PTobias

    Strange noise and clunk at highway speeds

    can you direct me to the procedure? I basically just disassembled, reassembled, torqued and left it at that. I did not change the vacuum hub side The issue started about a month after I replaced the wheel hub. I did not replace the IWE at the same time, but based on one of the responses...
  8. PTobias

    Strange noise and clunk at highway speeds

    so started looking into the IWE issue and would like to add a note that I changed the front wheel hub on the driver side a couple of weeks ago. No strange behaviors on the 6 hour drive out, it all started on the 6 hour drive back home
  9. PTobias

    Strange noise and clunk at highway speeds

    I feel like the Prius references have some deeper meaning. I did however go and look underneath the truck for a crumpled up Prius, and did not see any such residue.
  10. PTobias

    Strange noise and clunk at highway speeds

    Hi all, Hoping for some help or guidance if this has happened to anyone else I have a 2018 Raptor that is generally easy driven on roads with 70K miles Coming back home from on a 6 hour drive, strange noise coming from "underneath" that sounds like paper being crumpled and getting louder...