Search results

  1. Tx State

    Pedal commander with flag

    Open to offers
  2. Tx State

    Pedal commander with flag

    still up
  3. Tx State

    WTB SCT tuner

    Looking for a sct tuner.
  4. Tx State

    Pedal commander with flag

    I have a pedal commander for sale with the rappy graphics flag. Asking 200 shipped.
  5. Tx State

    WTB pedal commander

    Could I get come pictures?
  6. Tx State

    WTB pedal commander

    looking for a pedal commander.
  7. Tx State

    JMS BoostMAX and JMS PedalMAX (2017-2019)

    Do you still have them and are you willing to separate?
  8. Tx State

    Gen 1 rear bumper

    I did.
  9. Tx State

    SCT X4

  10. Tx State

    SCT X4

    Hi, I have an SCt X4 for sale. Unmarried ready to go. Asking 200$
  11. Tx State

    Mid perch question

    Texas tags but live in Delaware.
  12. Tx State

    Engine whine after tune

    Hi everyone, So I know this might sound crazy and it might be a little difficult to describe but I noticed last week after I installed my tune there was a whine that was present that seems to follow RPMs. I take the tune off and it goes away. Any thoughts? I did have the throttle response...
  13. Tx State

    Front bumper replacement

    At the body shop now. Decided to just have them replace everything wit factory parts sense I might be selling it here soon.
  14. Tx State

    Front bumper replacement

    Hello everyone, So unfortunately someone hit my front driver side bumper/fender/wheel. it isnt a crazy amount of damage but in the event that the bumper needs to be replaced does anyone know how to go about getting an off road bumper instead of the factory one. I saw the factory one was around...
  15. Tx State

    Gen1/Gen2 rear shocks

    That's a lot of miles lol
  16. Tx State

    Shock identifcation needed

    Before the pictures went down I got a look at it and it was a 2010-14.
  17. Tx State

    Shock identifcation needed

    Looks like fox 3.0 to me. Also icon bump stops.
  18. Tx State

    Gen1/Gen2 rear shocks

    I am looking to buy a pair of stock gen1/gen2 shocks. I dont mind if they have some miles on them.
  19. Tx State

    Rear suspension squeak

    I sprayed it all down with a pressure washer and i sprayed the leafs/shock bolts with lithium grease and the squeak stopped! So now i just have to fix the u bolt.
  20. Tx State

    Rear suspension squeak

    Another questions. When I was looking around for the squeak I noticed on of the u bolts was broken off right at where the nut stops. My questions is when I go to replace the u bolt can I just unbolt the two nuts take it off and slip the new one on, or is there something I need to do besides just...
  21. Tx State

    Rear suspension squeak

    Thast what i was thinking too.
  22. Tx State

    Rear suspension squeak

    its just crazy the truck has 52k on it and they just now started doing it and its only one the passenger side.
  23. Tx State

    Rear suspension squeak

    Also clean between the springs or where they bolt to the truck?
  24. Tx State

    Rear suspension squeak

    Did it happen during normal driving for yall?