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  1. DeZertDefense

    DeZert Defense Vertical Tire Rack Protective Cover

    Protect your gear from the elements with the DeZert Defense Bed Cover! What is it? Custom fit truck bed cover for popular vertical tire racks. Designed to be used on a Ford Raptor or other similar F-series truck beds. What bed racks will it fit? Outlaw Alpha 1 Vertical Tire...
  2. DeZertDefense

    Please Welcome Dezert Defense Co.

    Definitely something for us to think about and play around with! Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. DeZertDefense

    What Vertical Tire Chase Rack do you have? - Poll

    You're right, most of them seem to be the same and many are but for example the SVC bypass rack mounts the tires a little closer together. So we feel more comfortable physically testing the cover on each rack before marketing them as compatible. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. DeZertDefense

    What Vertical Tire Chase Rack do you have? - Poll

    We are trying to identify which chase racks to offer covers for. Please fill out the poll and feel free to post pictures of your set up below. Thanks!
  5. DeZertDefense

    Please Welcome Dezert Defense Co.

    It is looking like it will have to be rack specific. A good amount of the racks we have looked at put the tires in the same spot however we are finding some that put the tires closer together. Here are the ones we are working on: Outlaw Alpha 1 - Confirmed SVC Bypass Rack V1 - in...
  6. DeZertDefense

    Please Welcome Dezert Defense Co.

    Thank you! 35's right now. 37's are on order for "testing purposes". Haha Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. DeZertDefense

    Please Welcome Dezert Defense Co.

    Thank you! Working on doing some filming this weekend. We will have a cool promotional video of the product in action posted up soon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. DeZertDefense

    Please Welcome Dezert Defense Co.

    Thanks guys! We are excited to bring some new products to the Raptor community. Our initial post will be coming soon!