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    Default screen issue

    I have searched the forum and dont see this specific issue discussed- if I missed it I am certain the cordial folks here will let me know... I'd like the default screen on engine start up to be Raptor Status. For the first 700 miles of the truck it worked. Now even if I shut the engine off in...

    Rock lights wired to door floods, remote controlled

    I'm thinking about wiring rock lights to the door floods so they come on from the remote when doors unlocked. I am planning on using 2 DPDT relays so that I will also have in cabin control but NEED TO KNOW BEST PLACE TO TAP INTO THE DOOR FLOODS- anybody have any good ideas (i.e at footwell fuse...

    Raptor "Born On" date?

    When I ordered my truck I did the usual tracking and found out it was completed on 1-23-17. When installing the Putco reverse light blade, I found this stamped in the metal about 6 inches to right of exiting tailgate harness right where the putco mounts:

    Increasing amps of upfitters

    Forgive me if this has been posted- I searched and couldn't find anything on this forum. Is it possible to change the 5A up fitter to a 25amp switch by using a 25amp rated relay and appropriate 25amp fuse? I know this can be done on F-250s but haven't seen it mentioned on the raptor. A 20 am...

    Luminix edge (v2.0) and Luminix (v1.0)

    At just 3/4 inch thick and 1.5 inches tall Im surprised no one has stacked a bunch of these behind grill or bolted to top surface of the bumper---any pics out there? Any experience with these anodized aluminum black curved lights?


    Does anyone know if the 2017 " F-150" and "Raptor "badges have locator pin holes like previous Gen1?