Now on to the control box. I was first going to mount it on the center counsel but I wouldn’t be able to have quick access to it and I would have to take the center counsel apart every time I removed the coax cable for the antenna. With this setup it takes less than 5 minutes to install the...
Up next I installed my CB radio. I got a Cobra 75 WX ST. I chose to get this radio because of how compact it is and the price. I will start with the install from the antenna and move towards the control box just so you can see how I chose to install it. First you can see that I mounted the...
This is with the Roto Pax installed its nice and tucked out of the way and it still clears the wheel well.
Next thing that I added was the magnetic radio antenna.
I also added a fire ext. to the bed rack the mount that I bought was a little pricey but it was the sturdiest and had the...
Alright guys, so this weekend was a busy one. I got the wheel wells and the bed rack lined with bullet liner. It’s the same stuff as I had done for the bed. I’m really impressed in the way it turned out. I was also able to install RPG's PSR.
On the other side of the rack I added a 2 gallon water jug. The jug is from RotoPAX. Ill add a picture tomorrow.
I have everything done to the rack here but I didn’t like where the jack handle was.
So I changed the location to the front of the rack. I used Quick Fist securing...
The bed rack is done now. Im just waiting until this Friday to get the bed liner sprayed on the bed rack and the rear wheel wells. The rack was easy enough to put together. Before the additions.
I have a few more updates and additions. First off on some other threads I have read how people are having troubles trying to route their exhaust pipes around the leaf springs. So I figured I would post a pic of how mine is done for anyone who is having problems.
I got it done at G&W truck accessories. Their websight is San Diego Truck Accessories | G & W Truck Accessories | Bullet Liner it cost a little over $400.
I'm selling rear suspension components off a 2013 Ford Raptor. I have a little over 1000 miles on the parts. The parts are leaf springs, U bolts, jounce bumps and jounce bump pads. I would like to have a local sale and Im asking $250.
Also I had a bed liner sprayed in it’s a new type of liner called Bullet Liner.
Here is something that I pulled off another website about Bullet Liner.
Bullet Liner is a product invented and produced by Claudio Burtin. He is the principal founder of Line-X. After he sold LineX corporation...
nEXT I wanted a bed rack similar Outlaw’s vertical tire bed rack but I didn’t want to spend that much for one that I can build and I wanted to add some other things to it. I still have some more bends to do and the additions to the rack but as of now it’s the same as Outlaws. As far as the jack...
Next I installed the RPG Stage 3 kit. This process was not bad but during the process of dropping the gas tank I broke one of the small quick release lines to the tank. I was hoping that the dealer had just the quick release fitting but no luck; the dealer wanted $250 for the whole line. I ended...
Next I didn’t like the reflectors on the mirrors. They just looked out of place, so I ordered the black OEM covers that come on other F150’s. Now it looks a lot better.
The up-fitter wiring was next. The job wasn’t that bad but you have to have a little bit of a contortionist in you to get up...
To start off my old truck was a 2000 F150 that I was building. I was all about building that truck up for the desert but as soon as the Raptors came out my thoughts changed about what I wanted. In 2010 I was in the market for a Raptor but lost my job. Now for 2012 I’m back in the market.
If you guys are ever doing any type of work on the front of you trucks and wondering what the torques are this is where to look. All these Tq specs are from the dealer.
NM= Newton-meters
lb-ft= foot pounds
lb-in= inch pounds
Barke caliper anchor plate bolts: -----------250 nm -----184...
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